Etienne Vautherin - 2024/05/31
WWDC 2024 (Apple World-Wide Developer Conference) will begin in a few days. Some rumours suggest the announcement of brand-new lock and home screens for iOS 18, both powered by AI. One certainty: these changes will come someday, perhaps in 2024, perhaps later. However, as iOS developers, we need to anticipate the biggest evolutions.
This series of posts will paint an opinionated picture involving Activity as a primary object for the future of iOS apps.
Some posts are written before the announcements of June 10th, while others will be published later to correct or detail this picture. To fill the information gap, the first posts follow the scheme of a detective fiction about iOS 18:
- What are the clues? The state of the art proposed by iOS 17.
- What are the possible motives? The pain points of the current iOS API.
- The outcome of the enigma with a small sample code.
First clue: A Dynamic Island is not an icing on the cake because it changes the recipe.